ZUMBA with Lenka
ZUMBA is a revolutionary fitness program which will make you happy and sweaty :-)
Zumba fuses hypnotic musical rhythms and tantalizing moves to create a dynamic workout system designed to be FUN and EASY TO DO!Let's face it, working out can be healthy, rewarding, beneficial…
working out can be lots of things, but it´s never been known to be
Our goal is simple:
We want people to work out.
We want them to love working out.
We want them to get hooked.
By integrating Zumba into everyday life individuals may achieve long term benefits while experiencing an absolute blast in one exhilarating hour of caloric burning, heart racing, muscle pumping, body energizing movements meant to engage and captivate for life!
The routines feature interval training sessions where fast and slow rhythms and resistance training are combined to tone and sculpt your body while burning fat. Add some Latin flavor and International zest into the mix and you've got ZUMBA!
In the past years Zumba has become nothing short of a revolution. Coining the concept of "fitness-party" and making fitness fun, Zumba has spread like wild-fire, and has positioned itself as the single most influential movement in the industry of fitness.
How do u rate your exposure to Zumba so far?
I'm becoming a Kraaaazy Bailadora :-) Love it :-) (22)
I like to move my "colita" after sitting on it whole day :-) It is a nice way to exercise but don't ask me 4 more enthusiasm :-/ (14)
Oh, it's a rollercoaster :-/ Continuously up & down & up again :-( The instructor is hard to follow and her performance is questionable :-/ (17)
Not my kinda thing :-/ Did it once and not moooore :-( (16)
Have I mentioned that I'm a ZUMBAphil??? :-) The instructor should get her Zumba name trademarked otherwise I will :-))) (11)
Total votes: 80